
Google Updates Guidance On Image Removal From Search Index

Google recently updated its guidelines for removing images from its search index, providing greater clarity on both emergency and non-emergency removal processes. The updated guidance includes several changes, with a focus on quickly removing images from search results and addressing scenarios where access to content delivery networks (CDNs) or content management systems (CMS) is restricted.

The new guidance emphasizes the use of the Removals tool for quickly removing images from Google’s search results in emergency situations. However, it also highlights the need to remove the images from the site or block them in non-emergency cases to prevent them from resurfacing in the search results.

In the event that there is no access to the site hosting the images, such as a CDN, or if the CMS does not support blocking images, the guidance suggests deleting the images from the site as an alternative.

Additional updates to the guidance focus on the use of robots.txt for images, including details on using wildcards for more flexible matching of image paths. The update also provides a clarification on the use of the noimageindex robots tag, highlighting its impact on preventing embedded images from being indexed.

These updates are part of Google’s ongoing effort to improve and clarify its documentation, ensuring that webmasters and site owners have access to current, concise, and actionable guidance.

To learn more about the updated guidance on removing images from Google’s index, visit the following link: Remove images hosted on your site from search results.

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