In this task you are to review your university and get paid for it. we understand that many of you that come across this public posts , comes from different channels or platforms. Kindly take note of these categories of reviewers;
- If you were officially referred to this post from a task platform, kindly note that you will be paid on the website that you were referred from. Provisions have already been made for you upon providing pieces of evidence of your completed task
- The second category is those that were not referred from a particular platform via a special tracking link. This category may as well want to participate in this ongoing review process to get paid. You are welcome to participate but on a different instruction which will be provided at the end of this post page. use the previous and next post button for your navigation purposes
- The third category is those who want to become our ambassador for their university for review purposes. This category will receive their pay at the end of the month as commission or referral reward based on the number of students that review our selected or recommended university through the ambassador program.
Click the next button to see who can participate in this review job
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